i used to think that everyone was out to get me everybody hate me / i used to think that way / i used to think that id fuck up every muthafucka that looked at me funny / i used to think that way /
i used to think that i was good for nothing never grow up to be nothin / i used to think that way /i used to think that no one fucking loved me just no one want to fuck me / i used to think that way // Until I met you / you made me change my ways / I wish I died this morning / None of
this life is permenant / I've seen the pile of clones that lay where the mighty have fallen / Reborn I fight with normalcy / I have my sights on larger things / Goddamn I finally got what my daddy was trying to say When he's screaming and yelling and i just tried to ignore it / He said "You should be the one to lead. God made you for greater things." / Yeah Yeah / Stubborn kid / wish he wouldnt have told me that / Now that shit makes me
toss and turn at night / 'Cause if I was made in his image we're not identical / I could've faked the whole picture but not my bitter soul / I'm sick of praying for things i'll probably never get / I'm sick of giving you credit for my accomplishments / I prayed again and again / Nnamdi don't care anymore /////