Lord, i didn't think that I was gonna make it
Didn't know what I was doing so I started faking
Making excuses every place I went
The turmoil was too much now I'm here to repent
And you answered me, I'll praise you on the valleys and the hills
Now that you answered me I know that you're real
Saved me from the giants and all their dangerous thrills
Save me from myself 'cause myself I tried to kill
Now I know what it feels to be living
Know what it feels like to be forgiven
To grasp to the peace I was always missing
Now and forever your song I'll be singing
I used to imagine but now I know
Those old songs sung for the King on the throne
The truth was so distant but now it's so close
I used to be dead, now I have a living hope
Now when I lie down I can go to sleep
Don't have to worry 'bout tomorrow don't have to weep
Don't have to fear when the enemy creeps
The Lord is my shepherd but I'm more than a sheep
He leads me to water and vibrant green pastures
Disasters may come but they can't take me from my master
The glory in front of me outshines my past hurt
For my Lord has first and the last word
As I walked through the valley of the shadow of death
I grew so anxious for the mountain up next
Couldn't see it with my own eyes, I was very vexed
But then you came down and granted me true rest
I felt so empty now my cup overflows
Now goodness and love will always be close
It's no longer my skill but your will that I'll boast
'Cause in your house is where I want to be the most