Some say the panhandle is flat as a board
But I swear the plains are the front porch to heavens door
It's the only place a stranger feels like he's coming home
The way a sinner feels when all his sins are gone
Welcome to Texas just three little words
Mean a whole lot more in your life
If it's the place you lay your head at night
Then they're more than just the words on a border sign
There's miles and miles of fence posts
Where the windmills stand tall
We don't leave no body out
Welcome to Texas just three little words
Mean a whole lot more in your life
If it's the place you lay your head at night
Then they're more than just the words on a border sign
Welcome to Texas just three little words
Mean a whole lot more in your life
If it's the place you lay your head at night
Then they're more than just the words on a border sign
Where everybody says Welcome To Texas