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Dylandylandylan it's time to get up
It's time to tell a story Dylan
It's time to get up
Tell us an autobiography
Hey It's time to get up Dylan
It's time to get up it's time to get up
It's time to get up Dylan

My younger cousin shot himself
Inside his bedroom
My older cousin hung himself in a motel room
My younger cousin used to break my
Toys and be mean to me
My older cousin used to show me
Cool shit and teach me things
Taught me to stay away from the hard
Shit and how to swing these things
My little cousin didn't do shit
Except blow out his brains
He had every material possession
You could ever want
His parents tried to buy his love but never
Even let him have his own fuckin' thoughts
Growin' up my family
Would joke about the day that one of my aunts
Kids would snap and follow
My mothers uncles way
Fuck my stupid mama, she's on hospice
I don't give a fuck cause
I don't love her anyway
She got tumors in her eye
From having cancer three
Times and smoking a fuckin' pack a day
My mama was an idiot for having me
Because her life didn't have direction
Skinny little crank whore gettin'
Railed out by
A strange old junkie with no protection
Then the second week of
January 1991 came around
She was walking around midway
Mall with my grandmother
Or some shit trying to get me out i was late
What the fuck is my fate
How the fuck is my brain
Supposed to grow with
All this starchy poor person food on my plate
Given the circumstances life is great
Even when it's abysmal
MMR vaccinizzile, high
Functionizzle, autizzle, Juggalizle
Come follow me down to the trails of
The afterbirth of the young jake jeckel
My mom married the man who
Raised me and I saw
Her turn a rock into a piece of gravel
I don't have any allegiance to my family
But my dad and my brother and Joan Marie
The most beautiful lady
My agoraphobic dead grandmother
Maybe I just have different values and
I'll never fuckin' get it
Maybe I just missed it and I never got
The stupid potato people
Catholic guilt genetics
Just a bunch of fucking fools
The only thing i ever killed was
A frog when I was six
Cause I wanted to be like the other
Kids that went to public school
I got addicted to masturbating
When i was five and they must
Have known but understood it
As much as I did at that time in my life
I remember when I was little a badman
Took me to get my blood taken
Its a blur what happened after but I got
Taken to strange place and I got desecrated
Was it a dream, Would someone do that to an
Innocent child out of spite
If it was a dream how come for my whole
Life I still think about the shit every night
Sometimes I think about my great
Grandmother on my grandpas side
Sometime in the forties
Right after she had electroshock therapy
Her hair turned white
One time in New Philadelphia
One of my cousins was on the salt
Started hearing voices in his head
So he took an axe and chopped
A hole in his apartment wall
When he broke it down
And finally got to the other side
It was the family that lived
Next door that were
Some of the voices in his head that night
He and his brother were the first kids that
Broke me and my brothers toys n' shit
And when they were toddlers they
Sat in the back and
Watched their crackhead mom in
The front suck dick
I remember the creepy Christian
Lady that took care
Of the kids when they got taken away
Hated my mom called my family pagan
And then forced me to pray
When I was eight, one morning
Going to the library to get a stack
In the industrial park in Strongsville
I saw dead people cause they
Flipped on the tracks
It was four sets of feet all lined
Up underneath a big white sheet
That's what you fucking get
You get killed in your stupid
Little crushed up Jeep
My mom got mad cause it made me happy
But I needed it more cause i
Wanted it and it made
Me feel better about everything that
Happened to me before
Having had many different conversations in my
Head with many different Dylans
Having visions of plague
Whipping down Sprague
Whenever I start reminiscing




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