Yea we back, we back, we back 5% more we back I mean
I'm telling you these people want it so simple they want it so easy
They don't understand what it take
What type of grind what type of sacrifice it is to make
I'm telling you it's called small steps
It's called small steps they think it's a elevator ride
Yea! It's not an elevator ride see the elevator ride to success is out of order
You have to use your steps one step at a time
It's called small steps one thing about this elevator ride you going to drop off some folks
But you also going to pick up some folks
Small steps small steps Help is on the way
Understand it's ok to make mistakes you gotta make new mistakes in life that's part of your small steps
Remember as you go on and as you continue to elevate in life
Yeaaaaa New levels bring new devils I said new levels bring new devils
And that's 5% more are your ready for em
Are you ready for those new devils are you ready for the new test
You're going to be put on a series of tests you're going to go through a series of test
But the question is will you survive the test that's the question
When you go through that dark hallway and feel
When you go through that dark hallway and feel your way through and understand
There's a light at every end of the tunnel that there's a light at the end of the tunnel
That's the question survival survival you gotta survive they teach you about survival skills
My mother yea she surviving I'm tired of just surviving though
I'm ready to live I'm ready to do 5% more towards my life
I'm ready to give 5% more towards everything I own
Survival do you have survival skills I'm tired of asking I'm ready to put this thing to work
I said faith without works is dead I constantly tell you you gotta work your way through this
You gotta feel you way through this tunnel You gotta be ready
Because if it's just given to you you ain't gonna appreciate it