Sunday evening slips into Monday afternoon
Woke up to the sound of a call, but I know it's not from you
Seventeen voicemails, I know I'm never listening to
Since there's no morning star to remind me
That there's more to life than this gloomy afternoon
Funny how the days keep going by
Nothing ever changes here inside
It's so much more peaceful in the night
The quiet makes me feel alright
Twenty-three missed calls, another one, and I'll be through
How I wish you were here to remind me
Who I am, who I was when I'm with you
All I do is wait, I'll never find that place
A home we called forever, and those that once embraced
Haven't felt any more colder, our love was just a phase
Cause I'm over me, but not over you
I'm over my head, and everyone else's
They think I'm a fool, and I think so too
I just wish you knew, I wish I did too
All I do is wait, I wait for it to rain
And then it starts all over, and then it starts to pour