as the trees set on the horizon
I can see the people my people
It is in this very moment
that I realize black is the most beautiful color i’ll ever experience
how it compliments the horizon how it outlines the trees
how beautiful it is as pigmentation
because I cannot bleed out my blackness
I cannot carve it out of my skin
because my blackness is me
compliments the mere essence of my presence
it lets me know that as I take this journey
that my ancestors crawled just so I can run
Harriet, Soujuner, Michelle Obama, Rosa Parks
that they all walk with me
that even when my back is against the wall
and it feels like the bullets are following me
that my blackness will never leave me
that I will stand tall in my blackness
that my people be the masterpiece
that the darkest outlines create the brightest future
so that is in this very moment I understand
the true beauty of being black