Anytime i call for your phone top
You no dey want pick baby wossop?
Ebi like say the things me then you talk
You no dey want hear u dey mess up
Adey give you money adey bang bang
Mep3se me wari woa wusi mentwen
Dab3n, Enkosi time arh benma betume anyinsen?
This kind love no dey make sense
I no dey fit do nothing for my body
Adey want buy you plane you dey want benz
You dey turn shoki to azonto
Shakushakushaku in my condo
Tell me what u want ne ma habo
Wup3s3 wudi makoma bor nuendo
Send me message you no want send
How can i just dey beg for sex
This be something we for discuss
If i talk noor you say adey disturb
Way3 ama afei kraa di3 mabr3
Eno be you dey butter my bread
Wunti ma cuti all of my friends
Fault ninso se enfri my end
Ice cream when you touch me i scream
Licking vanilla strawberry dey really sweet me
Too much sugar in your love dey really hurt me
You dey turn day to a midnight
We dey laf sef then e turn fight
Chale make you tell me your shoe size
Se me kor France ba na ma tor abrewo wai
Your love dey bright pass gold
I will show you what u dont know
Whenever i see you calling
I no go waste time i go pick am
Whenever i see you falling
I go turn to a bed make you fall on am
If i dont smell good you go near me?
Fani s3 menni whii meye ohia ne
Send me message you no want send
How can i just dey beg for sex
This be somtyn we for discuss
If i talk noor you say adey disturb
Way3 ama afei kraa di3 mabr3
Eno be you dey butter my bread
Wunti ma cuti all of my friends
Fault ninso se enfri my end
Ice cream when you touch me i scream
Licking vanilla strawberry dey really sweet me
When you touch me i scream
Too much sugar in your love dey really hurt me