Famine tracks us down the lanes
hunger holds our horses' reins
winter heaps the roads with snow
Starving beggars howl their cry
snarl to see us spurring by
times are bad and travel slow
We mourn our boys, our missing sons!
We sorrow for three little ones!
Timothy, Mark and John are gone, are gone!
Landlord, take this piece of gold!
Bring us food before the cold
makes our pangs of hunger grow
Day by day we seek to find
some trace of them but oh! Unkind!
Timothy, Mark and John are gone, are gone!
Let us share this dish of meat
Come, my friends, sit down and eat!
Join us, Bishop, for we know
Mary meek and Mother mild
who lost thy Jesus as a child
our Timothy, Mark and John are gone, are gone!
Come, your Grace, don't eat so slow!
O do not taste! O do not feed on sin!
But haste to save three souls in need!
The mothers' cry is sad and weak
within these walls they lie
put your fleshly garments on!
Come from dark oblivion! Come!
See! Three boys spring back to life
who, slaughtered by the butcher's knife
And entering, hand in hand they stand and sing