I tried to be brave but I hid in the dark
I sat in that cave and I prayed for a spark
That remained in my heart
And the rain kept falling
Down on the roof of the church where I cried
I could hear all the laughter
To get up and get out but a part of me died
And the rain kept falling down
Well I'm scared if I open myself to be known
I'll be seen and despised and
So I'm stuck in this tomb and
And the rain keeps falling
Somewhere the sun is a light in the sky
But I'm dying in North Carolina and I
Can't believe there's and end to
And the rain keeps falling down falling down
There's a woman at home and
She's praying for a light
My children are there and they
Of the shadow I know that they see in my eyes
And the rain keeps falling
I'm so tired of this game, of these songs
I'm already ashamed of the line I just wrote
But it's true and it feels like
And the rain keeps falling down falling down
Peace, be still peace, be still
My daughter and I put the seeds in the dirt
For a sign that this death will
And the rain keeps falling
Down on the soil where the sorrow is laid
And the secret of life is igniting the grave
And I'm dying to live but
I'm learning to wait and the rain is falling
Peace, be still peace, be still
Peace i just want to be new again
I just want to be closer to You again peace
Lord, I can't find the song be still
I'm so tired and I'm always so wrong
Help me be brave tonight be still
Jesus, please help me out
Of this cave tonight peace
I've been calling and calling be still
This rain just keeps falling peace
I've been calling and calling be still
But this rain just keeps falling and falling