Tarek Lurcich, who goes by the name Rancore, is an Italian rapper of Croatian
and Egyptian heritage who began performing as a teenager. His debut album 'Segui
me' came out in 2006 followed by 'Elettrico' (2011) with DJ Myke, 'Silenzio'
(2012) with DJ Myke and 'Musica per bambini' (2018). EPs include 'S.M.S. (Sei
molto stronza)' (2008), 'Acustico' (2010) with DJ Myke and 'S.U.N.S.H.I.N.E.'
(2015) and tracks include 'Giacattoli' (2019), 'Luce (tramonti a nord est)'
(2020) featuring La Rappresentante di Lista, and 'Eden' (2020) with Dardust,
which he performed at the 2020 Sanremo Mu...