Born in Montreal on March 20, 2003, Kais Ben Baccar, aka ISK, grew up in La
Ferté-sous-Jouarre, France. At the age of 15, he made a name for himself on the
French rap scene in 2019 thanks to his freestyles, notably the Acharné series.
His subsequent tracks such as"Garantie","Fazer" and"Vérité 3" met with some
success. After the mixtape Le Mal Est Fait (2020), he released the album Vérité
(2021) with collaborations from Uzi, Niro and Alonzo. In 2021, he made a name
for himself with the singles"Chez nous","Tchernobyl" and"Le Billet". In 2022,
his album Racines reached number 7, wit...